August 2, 2009

Power Outage...

The best part of our Utah trip this year was last Sunday. Cody, Megan, Brian, Jackie and I went to Aunt Dawn and Uncle Kevan's house to visit. I was helping Aunt Dawn make some of her jewelry, and while we were sitting at the table all the boys came upstairs and said the power was out... and once the sun set, the house was pitch black. So Uncle Kevan set up a lantern and we just kept working on jewelry and telling all kinds of stories. It was seriously my favorite part of the whole trip! Christian and Uncle Kevan told us stories from their missions, and Aunt Dawn told us stories about when she was younger. Things like this don't happen very often, and I'm so glad that it did! I don't think I will ever forget this day and I am glad I took pictures to remember it:)

Thanks for the memories you guys!

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